Back-to-School Series | The Sweatshirt Dress

Back-to-School Series | The Sweatshirt Dress

Life is chaotic and therefore, there is never enough time in the day. You wake up and it’s already time for class. As a result, you are rushing to get ready. After a long day of concentration and hard work,…

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Back-to-School Series | Booyah, It’s the 90s

Back-to-School Series | Booyah, It’s the 90s

We are two worlds apart, but they sure can reach to your heart and your style. When I think about the greatest songs to jam out to, 90% of them come from the 90s (see what I did there). I…

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Homecoming goes NYE

Homecoming goes NYE

New Years Eve is the time to reflect. It’s a time to reminisce on the times you had throughout the year. Whether it’s the ups or the downs, there are lessons to be learned. It’s a time to self evaluate…

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